― Le présent se dégrade, d'abord en histoire, puis en (Michael White), Tuesday, 11 August 2009 20:10 (Yesterday) Bookmark Suggest Ban Ok, it's not technically an independent game. But just in case it doesn't count, here is my bonus answer (ie, this list goes to 11): This actually came out in 2006, but I didn't play it until 2008. Btw: Winning strategy means = you don't die every game). Take a Haitian family and help them thrive (or, more likely, fail horribly about twenty times before you hit on a winning strategy. Save a bunch of cute animals - generally by killing them in horrific ways. Winner of IFComp and also speaks very directly to me (comic book loving protagonist tries to write academia while avoiding distractions). I'm not even sure it qualifies as games - but more like Japanese pop game art. But pretty music and a good 2D adaptation.Ħ. Recent changes have made it a little less compelling for me, but I really loved playing it over the summer. It's actually less of a game and more of a card collecting thing.
#Samorost 1 swf free#
It has really exposed me to a slew of amazing free games. Accomplish task X and you win a free card for Kongai. Every week has a few challenges in a random flash game. The game (which isn't bad) isn't actually as cool as the challenges. If you're good enough, you get a Scott Adam's reference. You're a dolphin, you do tricks for points. This probably belongs here (and not in that other thread - oops).

There's a room called "The Couch" which is even better, because they have a house rule that instead of picking a topic from the list (boring shit like animals, science, etc) you make a specific topic up, like "Why are you so addicted to ILX?" Fucking seriously, we NEED to get an ILX game of Acrophobia going on. Bonus points for being the fastest answer to receive a point, and bonus points for voting for the winning answer (to encourage people not to throw away votes). Every person who votes for you gives you a point, etc. Think Balderdash, but with acronyms, and you vote for the funniest, not the "realest" or whatever. basically it follows a similar game show vibe, and you have to play against real people. That guy found a way around it, though, so you can just stick a name in and it puts you in the game automatically :D It was made in the 90s, and released by the same guys who were doing the You Don't Know Jack Netshow. It's "free" on some other site, but you need to sign up. What's a.n.other forum? Anyway, I am going to pimp this game.